Search cuz you don't know shit 'till you read this blog

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Response to Lauren...

I just searched on YouTube "how to wear lipstick" and it appears that the number of people who want to video-share how to put animal-tested paint onto their faces is vortex of endlessness. And by the way, watching those videos was no more exiting, or informative, then watching flies fuck.

Therefore, I must conclude, that we must provide another outlet on fashion tips in order to show that we (men) are intellectually superior to our boob-bearing counterparts. That's right I went out and said it. And no I am not being sexist, women are good at a few things. Like fetching me another beer or bearing children. Basically cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids.

Let the pissed off feminist, hate comments stream in... I look forward it.

~ Gold star to whoever guesses correctly to who wrote this one - ? 


  1. I'm gonna guess Chuck wrote this, being subjected to his sexist remarks more or less everytime I see him.
    So what's your first line of action?
    -Lauren B.

  2. I was hoping for something better then this... It's like you just gave up, like the french. Or just a human that has a phallus cuz one with balls would put up a fight.
